Hey friend, thanks for taking a look around!
I created this space to introduce myself and to highlight the great writers I have been publishing daily on Medium for almost ten years.
What is Medium? The best definition is the one given by the site itself:
The best ideas can change who we are. Medium is where those ideas take shape, take off, and spark powerful conversations. We’re an open platform where over 100 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. Our purpose is to spread these ideas and deepen understanding of the world. Learn more.
Now that you have the context, enjoy reading, and let’s get in touch!
Over the years, I have developed a passion for reading, editing, and publishing stories and poems written by writers from all over the world.
For as long as I can remember, words have always attracted me.
Before I was ten, I developed my first scenario: police investigations that we invented and staged with my friend at the time.
In college, I wrote my first short story, The Knight with the Magic Sword. It will be published (printed with the house’s printer) by Bonfruit Publishing, a publishing house created for the occasion and named after the village where I grew up. Please don’t laugh!
As I grew up, I create my first blogs and write about music news. A few years later, I joined a streaming music platform as an editor and programmer. I write articles on album releases, edit thematic playlists and lead the community of listeners on social networks.
In 2012, I came across the mysterious Medium homepage. I leave my email address, and I wait. And then, the crush. The place I’ve always dreamed of writing has just been born. I write and publish regularly on the platform. People like me sign up and also publish stories. Days go by and I throw myself with passion into the publishing game.
In the meantime, my passion for surfing leads me to write for The Rider Post, an extreme sports magazine. I follow world championship events and write related articles.
In 2015, I joined the Medium editorial team as editor-in-chief and community manager for France. My main mission is to develop Medium’s French-speaking audience. I am the editor-in-chief of a publication that brings together French-speaking writers.
I lead the development of Medium in France. I translate into French articles from Medium’s official blog and work in collaboration with several countries in Europe and around the world. I introduce Medium at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at Médecins Sans Frontières, Orange, and in front of journalists from Le Monde. I also meet several times with executives from Hachette to talk about publishing and Medium.
This adventure lasts 2 years, until early 2017 when Medium changes its strategy and refocuses its activities in the United States. I am kindly thanked with a nice recommendation from my manager that you can read on LinkedIn.
I then created Scribe, a publication with nearly 20,000 readers and a strong community of talented writers. The publication has reached 55,000 views as of September 2023. Every Saturday, I publish and send a newsletter in which I talk about the writers and stories that were featured in the publication during the week. On December 1, 2021, I publish a book of poetry to celebrate the writers I publish every day on Scribe. On March 10, 2023, I officially join the Nomination Pilot launched by Medium as a nominator. Specifically, I submit stories and poems to Medium’s curators every day, and if they approve my suggestions, those pieces get more readers, more comments, and more money.
And of course, I’m still writing. Hopefully funny stuff, but also stories about childhood, writing, poetry & love, or nature, climate, ecology, and society.
That’s the story… To be continued!