If someone had told me in early 2017, when I created the Scribe publication on the online publishing platform Medium, that one day I would realize my dream of releasing a poetry book with poems from the most talented writers in the publication, I wouldn’t have believed it.
Today, after more than four years of editing and publishing stories and poems written by writers from around the world, I still find it hard to realize that this dream has come true.
The first Scribe-related poetry book, The Embrace of Dawn, was born on December 1, 2021. It weighs about 300 grams and is doing great.
I wanted this collection of poems to be a reflection of the publication and its writers. The poems I have chosen to include reflect the soul of the publication, a unique place where words are born, grow, and travel the world, creating emotions in the readers they meet. A haven of peace where our modern societies do not seem to have any hold and where it is good to breathe the time of some reading.
The writers I have worked with for many years all have different life paths and backgrounds, but they share what is essential for me in my approach to writing: a love for words, a desire to tell stories tinged with poetry, and an insane wish to transmit emotions through their writing.
I will always be infinitely grateful to them, for the confidence they give me every day and for the creativity they show without ever running out of steam.
As you turn the pages of this collection, you will discover talented writers and poems that will make you smile, laugh, and sometimes cry. But most of all, you will read poetry that will make you love life even more and that I hope will make you spend some tasty moments of reading.
This book is a great first for me and a first step in the world of publishing. It is also an editorial adventure that I am convinced will continue as long as there are wonderful writers to keep us dreaming.
I would like to warmly thank all the people who made this anthology possible thanks to their support on the Patreon platform. If we can read this book, it is also thanks to them.
Let’s keep surrounded ourselves with words, that’s how we’ll breathe better.